Revisiting My Old Minecraft Maps pt. 4
When I was younger, I watched a lot of SkyDoesMinecraft Cops & Robbers videos. I was so inspired by these videos, that I decided to make my own Cops & Robbers prison map on Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition for me and my friends. This particular map was made mostly by me, but my Xbox Live friend at the time "A TOWN DIZZLE" helped with a few of the rooms. The map was also made using the City Texture Pack.

The player starts off in one of a few cells, just like the classic SkyDoesMinecraft videos. These cells have been redesigned a few times, but in this version of the map, most cells have a bunkbed, a toilet (even though the prison has a bathroom), and some torches for lighting. Most of the prison actually has a working redstone lamp lighting system, with switches you can turn on and off, so I probably should've just made the cells connected to that instead of plain-old torches. This cell area is supposed to be where the warden tortures the prisoners and comes up with games for them, such as Red Light, Green Light and Simon Says.

From the cell area, you can exit the prison to come to the courtyard. The courtyard is just a fenced-off grassy area with not much to do except maybe stare at the sun. At one point, there was a fenced-in path that lead to a classic Minecraft village, for whatever reason. When generating this world on Xbox 360 Edition, I used the Superflat world type, with stone bricks as the floor and generate structures enabled. My logic behind the stone bricks at the time was that because I was building a prison, the floor would probably be made out of stone bricks and it would be annoying to have to place each block for the floor. Keep in mind, there's no way to use World Edit on the Legacy Console versions of Minecraft, so this seemed to make sense. However, I ended up not really using stone bricks for that much of the floor and it just makes the rest of the world outside of the prison look odd.

From the cell area, instead of going outside to the courtyard, you can go the opposite direction through a hallway. In this hallway, there's an iron door to a room which can be accessed by the guards. I call this area the barracks because it's supposed to be where the guards/warden live. There's not much in here because it's not really supposed to be accessible by anyone except for the guards. From the barracks, there's some stairs that lead up to a guards-only part of the cafeteria where the warden can observe the inmates.

The cafeteria is where the prisoners eat their delicious slop and nutritious gruel. There are 6 tables for the prisoners to sit at and 2 "vending machines" for the prisoners to buy tasty beverages from. This area is also where the prisoners can socialize with each other, while the warden shoots them with his mighty bow.

Naturally, every cafeteria needs its kitchen. The kitchen is in pretty stark contrast to the rest of the prison, as its built out of sandstone, instead of stone bricks. Despite the fact that all the kitchen serves out is slop and gruel, there's some actual cake out on display, along with plenty of real food in the back. Of course, this is strictly reserved for the warden.

From the cafeteria, there's a hallway which leads to a few different rooms. The first room on the right is the warden room. This room, as the name would suggest, is for the warden. This room is meant to look more luxurious than the rest, so it's made out of wood, with carpet floors, a laptop, and even a modern flat screen television and wine cabinet! The TV and wine cabinet were made with paintings and were only made possible by the City Texture Pack I used. I wonder what the warden does on his laptop...

In the same hallway as the warden room, the first door on the left will lead you to my personal favorite room of the prison and the one I spend most of my time in, the showers. You can't actually get dirty in Minecraft, but every prison needs a shower for cultural reasons. Unfortunately, the showers don't actually spray water.

The final room of the prison is the bathroom. For some reason, I gave this room a checkered floor pattern. I guess I associated this pattern with bathroom floors, but it contrasts too much with the rest of the prison. There are toilet stalls with no privacy, which is good. I even added in glass above the sinks with armor stands behind them to create the illusion of looking at yourself in the mirror, which I still think is kind of cool.
As of now, the bathroom is the final room of the prison, but I plan on adding more and finishing this map, so that I can make it available for download on Planet Minecraft, as I have done with my other maps. Speaking of which, I have now made the subject of my previous blog post, Trunkton, available for download on PMC. I would go so far as to say its my best work yet, and the map that underwent the most changes when I was finishing it. Below are a couple of videos I made in 2017 on the map. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, January 19, 2025