Welcome to Trunkton! A Hunger Games map I originally started building many years ago on the Xbox 360 Edition of Minecraft with my older cousin. I have since decided to convert the map over to Java Minecraft and finish my hard work so that it can be enjoyed by the masses of Planet Minecraft.
To start, just gather up to 7 of your friends and each teleport to a different pod, with the host/leader of the group going into Pod 1. The chest loot should already be ready if it's your first time playing, but to reset the loot just press the buttons on the wall in order.
Players may mine ore, but please don't purposely tunnel or break walls to find secrets. All hidden Easter eggs in this map can be found without breaking blocks. There are also a few books hidden around the map which expand the lore of this map. The loot randomizing buttons won't reset these.Please enjoy my map and share it with your friends!
To learn more about the history of this map, check out the blog post
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